Sunday, March 18, 2012

back to circa 1999

I've been playing the trance station on ITunes for studying and it keeps my mind focused for a little longer than usual. I always thought trance helps me to focus when I have to sit in front of my computer and do work. I googled to find out if there is any relationship with sustained attention and trance music. I found this from a blogger who states that trance/classical are both helpful when studying:

"I have done an exhaustive study on Trance music and the brain. Here is what I have come to conclusion to. Trance is in fact directly related to Classical, as well as the classic hymns of the 17th century (because of their repetitiveness and the fact that it is a written music, and also it goes by a specific set of chord harmonies commonly found in Baroque Classical). It is also related to a form of music called Ambient. This is where trance gets it's relationship to Classical in the musical evolutionary tree."

Ok, now back to writing.

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